俗语说“苗好五成收”,苗子质量的好坏,对蔬菜生产影响很大。夏季育苗,由于受高温、强光、暴雨、病虫害高发等众多不利因素的影响,培育壮苗极为不易,而秋菜、秋延迟菜及部分越冬菜,又均需在夏季育苗。因此,如何克服夏季不利因素,培育高质量的苗子,是蔬菜生产者所必须掌握的技术。 1.苗床准备 ①苗床选择 夏季育苗床应选择地势平坦高燥,排水良好,背阴通
As the saying goes, “good seedlings harvest five” seedling quality is good or bad, a great impact on vegetable production. Summer nursery, due to high temperature, light, rain, pests and diseases and many other unfavorable factors, nurturing strong seedlings is not easy, and autumn vegetables, late autumn vegetables and part of the winter vegetables, but also need nursery in the summer. Therefore, how to overcome the unfavorable factors in summer and cultivate high-quality seedlings is a technology that vegetable producers must master. 1 seedbed preparation ① seedbed selection Summer nursery bed should be flat and dry high selection, well drained, Yin Tong