大花软枝黄蝉(Allemanda cathartica),夹竹桃科黄蝉属,分布于热带美洲、巴西、我国引入栽培。多年生常绿灌木。植株高2米,枝条柔软、披散。茎干绿色至深褐色。叶近无柄,3~5枚轮生,阔披针形,长10~ 15厘米,宽2.5~4厘米,两端均渐狭,厚革质,有光泽,腹面深绿色,背面黄绿色,全缘。花具短柄,黄色,花冠长7~10厘米,聚伞圆锥花序,顶生,花冠五裂,漏斗状,花径10~12厘米,橙黄色,花背浅褐色。花期7~10月。蒴果球形,绿色,外披硬皮刺,翌年成熟。全株具透明的乳汁。
Allemanda cathartica, Apocynaceae, distributed in the tropical Americas, Brazil, China introduced cultivation. Perennial evergreen shrubs. Plant 2 meters high, soft branches, loose. Stem green to dark brown. Leaves nearly sessile, 3 to 5 whorled, broad lanceolate, 10 to 15 cm long, 2.5 to 4 cm wide, both ends of the narrow, thick leathery, shiny, ventral dark green, yellowish green on the back, Whole. Flowers with short handles, yellow, corolla length 7 ~ 10 cm, thyrses, terminal, corolla five-funnel, funnel-shaped, flower diameter 10 ~ 12 cm, orange yellow, flower back light brown. Flowering from July to October. Capsule spherical, green, epiphytic hard prick, mature the following year. Whole plant with transparent milk.