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我1965年大学毕业分配到廊坊师专任教,由于备课的需要,常跑图书馆。当时建校之初,图书馆还比较简陋,里里外外只一个人。他,就是孙步峰老师。孙老师为人谦和,且业务很熟悉。图书馆藏书不很多,大约两三万册,“文革”中又都被封存,不许外借,由于我与孙老师交往较多,关系较好,还能偷摸借到几本。只是后来忙着闹“革命”,也没读多少。但对读书还是爱好的。令我感动的是在那种情势下孙老师却能把书一本不丢地保存下来,他不参加任何派,又哪一派也不得罪,但动他的书不行。现在回想起来, I graduated from college in 1965 assigned Langfang Teachers College, due to the needs of preparation, often run the library. At the beginning of the school was built, the library is still relatively simple, only one person inside and outside. He is Sun Bufeng teacher. Sun is a gentleman, and the business is very familiar. There are not many books in the library, about twenty or thirty thousand volumes, and the “Cultural Revolution” has been sealed up and is not allowed to be lent. Since I have more contacts with Sun and have a good relationship, I can borrow a few books. Only later busy downtown “revolution”, did not read much. But still good at reading. What touched me was that in that situation, Sun was able to save the book without losing it. He did not join any school, nor did any school of sin, but he could not move his book. now think of it,
BBQ,是时下连小学生都会的烧烤,居然也可以开成饭店,而且开得宾客盈门、众口皆碑,你信不信?说真的,连老板、30出头的黄小姐自己在一开始也没有把握呢! BBQ, is now even the
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A tourist snaps a picture of the Sanxingdui Museum, situated near an archaeological site dating back more than 5,000 years in Sichuan Province. A tourist snaps