佛教是世界三大宗教之一,自汉武帝时张骞通西域后,随着中西经济、文化的交流,佛教传入了中国内地,并不断发展。到南北朝时期,佛教大盛。其时,北方先后以平城、洛阳为中心,南方则以建康为中心,对当时的社会、政治、思想、文化、艺术等各方面,均产生了极其深远的影响。本文拟就魏晋南北朝时期洛阳地区佛教的兴衰作一探索。 一、佛教的传入与魏晋时期在洛阳地区的初步发展
Buddhism is one of the three major religions in the world. Since Zhang Qian went through the Western Regions with the Han Emperor Wudi, Buddhism was introduced to the Mainland of China and developed continuously with the economic and cultural exchanges between China and the West. To the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Buddhism Dasheng. At that time, the north was centered on Pingcheng and Luoyang, while the South was centered on Jiankang. It had a profound and far-reaching impact on the social, political, ideological, cultural and artistic aspects of the time. This article intends to explore the rise and fall of Buddhism in Luoyang in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties. First, the introduction of Buddhism and the initial development of the Wei and Jin Dynasties in Luoyang