
来源 :云南社会主义学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiao203
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全面建成小康社会与共享发展理念,是中国共产党坚持马克思主义发展观的具体实践活动,是当代中国特色社会主义社会的内在本质要求。全面小康社会发展目标与各民族共享发展成果是有机统一体。在全面建成小康社会与各民族共享发展成果中,各省区在发展上的不协调、不平衡、不一致、不均衡等,既是我国的基本国情,又是人民群众实现发展成果共享的主要障碍。基于云南全面建成小康社会与各民族共享发展成果的实践探索,深入研究加速推进民族自治地区全面建成小康社会与实现共享问题,对于实现云南跨越式发展战略,努力成为我国民族团结进步示范区、生态文明建设排头兵、面向南亚东南亚辐射中心意义重大。 The concept of building a well-off society in an all-round way and sharing development are the concrete practical activities of the CPC in upholding the Marxist outlook on development and are the inherent essential requirements of the contemporary socialism with Chinese characteristics. The goal of building an overall well-to-do society and the achievement of sharing development among all ethnic groups are organic. Among the achievements of the comprehensive construction of a well-to-do society and the ethnic development, the incoordination, imbalance, inconsistency and imbalance in the development of all provinces and autonomous regions are both the basic national conditions of our country and the main obstacle for the masses to share the fruits of development. Based on the practice and exploration of Yunnan’s achievements in building a well-off society in an all-round way and the achievements made by all ethnic groups in its development, this paper studies in depth the issue of accelerating the building of a well-to-do society and realizing the all-round development of ethnic autonomous regions in an all-round way. To achieve Yunnan’s leapfrog development strategy and strive to become a demonstration area for national unity and progress, Vanguard of civilization construction, facing South Asia radiation center of Southeast Asia is of great significance.
威廉·莫里斯[William Morris]在其晚年痴迷于书籍的印刷,在他看来书籍是一门综合艺术,包含了他所谓理想的“建筑作品”中的许多构成内容,他认为唯有12、13世纪的插图本书籍
介绍安徽防汛抗旱地理信息云服务平台的建设背景及内容,对面向安徽防汛抗旱的水利数据框架建设、地理信息应用服务开发、基于Portal for ArcGIS的地理信息服务平台搭建等关键