著名画家吴冠中有一幅题曰《老街》的名画,颇具匠心;画面上的老街与江流抱合,黑压压的吊脚楼从右下角伸入,逶迤前进,宛如江水起伏;左上角是一棵饱经沧桑、虬枝盘绕的黄桷树。画家用深灰的屋顶、纯白的墙面及墨黑的门窗来构成人家密集、曲折入胜的滨江古镇风貌。这幅画便诞生于乌江东岸的龚滩镇,画中古老的风情,给人几多遐思,几多幽情! 去年夏日的一天,我走进了这个古风犹存的小镇,身临吴冠中笔下的苍凉意境,不由怦然心动,感慨丛生…… 龚滩是闻名遐迩的川西重镇,北倚凤凰山麓,东靠马鞍城,西隔乌江与
The famous painter Wu Guanzhong has a title of “Old Street” famous paintings, quite ingenuity; the picture of the streets and rivers and lakes, the pressure of the Diaojiaolou from the lower right corner into the coveted, like a river; the upper left corner is a full of vicissitudes, Tamarix tree winding. Painters with dark gray roofs, white walls and black windows and doors to form a crowded, winding town of Binjiang style. This painting was born in Gongtan Town on the east bank of Wujiang River. The ancient style of painting shows how many reveries, how many flirtations! One day last summer, I walked into the ancient town of the still remaining, immersed in the desolate mood of Wu Guanzhong’s writing, could not help but heart-beating, feeling clustered ...... Gongtan is famous West Sichuan town, north of the foothills of Phoenix, East By saddle city, west and Wujiang River