培养实践能力和创新精神是新时期教育方针之重要组成部分 ,也是当前课程改革的重点之一。地理学是实践性很强的学科 ,中学地理教学大纲明确要求 :“为了加强地理教学的实践环节 ,培养学生的观察能力、分析问题和解决问题的能力 ,扩大学生的地理知识领域 ,教师应积极组织学生开
Cultivating practical ability and innovative spirit is an important part of the education policy in the new period, and it is also one of the focuses of the current curriculum reform. Geography is a highly practical discipline. The syllabus for high school geography clearly requires that: “In order to strengthen the practice of geography teaching, develop students’ ability to observe, analyze problems and solve problems, and expand students’ geographic knowledge, teachers should be active. Organize students to open