Discussion on age factor Influencing second language Acquisition

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  【Abstract】Second language acquisition is a new field of linguistic research. In the sociology, physiology, psychology, linguistics and other aspects of the research, the younger the child is, the better the effect of second language acquisition they can get. Further exploration of the age factor in second language acquisition is conducive to educators to place importance on the second language teaching.
  【Key words】second language acquisition; age; Critical Period Hypothesis
  1. Age and Second Language Acquisition
  Stern said: In the learning factors, and the second language learning-related age has been the most controversial language teaching theory of a problem. Whether the answer is, for the school system of language teaching organization have far-reaching significance.
  The representative view is the Critical Period Hypothesis of Lenneberg. He believes that:before adolescence, the malleability of the brain is better than adults, so that the second language is relatively easy to learn, and adults’ brain development is fully mature, so that it is difficult for adults to learn a second language. While others put forward different views, Krashen argued that older children had a faster language acquisition than younger children at an early stage in vocabulary and syntactic learning. Adults can also learn a foreign language. If they can use foreign language when they learn it, adults learn faster than children, older children than younger children learn faster.
  2. Children’s Advantage of Second Language Acquisition
  2.1 Physiology advantages
  Language ability’s production, development, and degradation are restricted by physical development. Lenneberg has also explained this from a clinical experience of medicine that the human brain lateralization starts from the age of two, and finish at about 11 to 19 years of age. It is generally believed that young people are more sensitive to hearing, and have stronger ability to imitate. On the contrary, after puberty, brain elasticity and language stimulus to the brain get weakened, innovation and flexibility slowly decline; language input becomes difficult, which results in obstacles to second language acquisition.
  2.2 Motivation advantage
  There are two kinds of motivation to learn the second language:one is instrumental motivation which means learning the language as a tool to learn; the other is integrative motivation, such as to participate in the activities of the second language. It has been proved that the integrative motivation is often more positive, the language can also learned better.   2.3 Cognitive advantage
  Children often experience two stages in the development of language learning. The first stage occurred before 4 ~ 6 years old. When 6 ~ 7 years old, they went into the second phase, their abilities of cognitive are further improved, which enables them to to further strengthen the logic of output language. Because of the mastery of the mother tongue, the adult is willing to associate the second language with the mother tongue. If the second language is simply and roughly compared with mother language, the second language acquisition will be interfered a lot by the mother tongue on many aspects.
  2.4 Emotion advantage
  With people getting older, the emotional state becomes richer and more complex; it will be more negative to the second language acquisition. To master a new language, we need to build a new language mode. Because children are not deep-rooted in their mother tongue, it is much easier to construct a new model. Children can be more vividly perceived different language forms through various media such as games, fairy tales, songs and animation. Because of fear of making mistake, adults are ashamed to express their point of view easily. Adults also lack the inherent flexibility and creativity to turn the second language learning into a natural acquisition process.
  3. Conclusion
  Adult learners and children do not have the same process of second language acquisition. Language teachers should be based on the characteristics of the development of children to set language learning plot. For the adult learners, they should be more focused on the form of language and systematic grammar.
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  [3]Lenneberg,E.H.,Biological Foundations of Language[M].New York:JohnWiley,1967.
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【摘要】自从有人类开始,语言就是人们之间传递信息、学习文化、交流文化的载体,文化支配语言、语言表达着文化。但是在国际多元化的今天,不同民族、不同国家、不同文化背景的人们在交流过程中,由于文化差异,双方很容易产生各种障碍,因此跨文化交际能力的学习培养是当前努力推行的工作,我们不仅要掌握自身文化的知识和规律,更要了解不同文化的内涵。  【关键词】文化 语言 跨文化交际  前言  不同国家、不同的民族在
【摘要】礼貌作为文化的重要组成部分,在跨文化交际中常常起到关键的作用。本文旨在介绍跨文化交际中的礼貌与面子的研究情况。从跨文化交际的背景、礼貌与面子在跨文化交际中的发展情况三方面进行阐述,进而说明学习不同文化背景下的礼貌原则对跨文化交际起着重要作用。  【关键词】礼貌 面子 跨文化交际  一、介绍  语言作为展现人类与众不同这一特性的一个重要因素,能够让人们传达与接收信息。很多研究学者指出语言的一
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