
来源 :自然灾害学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:m374018
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介绍了基于网络的洪涝灾害遥感速报系统在1998年全国特大洪涝灾害监测评估中的主要应用成果,包括动态监测、农作物损失评估、防洪工程有效性分析、险工险段调查分析、城市洪灾监测、工业区生命线工程易损性评估、长江洪水蓄洪分洪必要性分析、防洪减灾决策建议和灾后重建家园功能分区规划等。 This paper introduces the main application results of the network - based remote sensing quick - report system of flood disaster in the monitoring and evaluation of extreme flood disasters in China in 1998, including dynamic monitoring, crop loss assessment, flood control project effectiveness analysis, investigation and analysis of risk insurance section, urban flood monitoring, Industrial zone lifeline engineering vulnerability assessment, the necessity of flood control and flood diversion of the Yangtze River flood control and disaster mitigation decision-making recommendations and reconstruction of home functions zoning planning.
目的:  研究3.0TMR扩散张量成像(DTI)定量指标FA值、ADC值在髓核与纤维环间的差异及其与腰椎间盘退变分级的相关性,比较纤维示踪技术(FT图)与常规MR图像对腰椎间盘退变的诊