以49份申请品种保护提供的品种和47份收集的草莓已知品种为材料,通过从208对草莓SSR引物中筛选出20对多态性好的核心引物,采用变性聚丙烯酰氨凝胶电泳检测和毛细光电泳检测相结合的方式对96份草莓品种进行标记分析,检测每个标记不同等位变异大小,并为每个等位变异选取了相应的参照品种。结果显示:20对引物共检测出206个等位位点,每对引物检测到等位位点6~15个平均10.3个;共检测到600个带型,每对引物检测到带型数11~58个,平均30个,平均多态性信息含量(polymorphism information content,PIC)为0.80。聚类结果表明,在遗传相似系数为0.96时,该套引物能将所有品种区分开,同一单位选育的品种被优先聚为一类;对历年草莓申请品种选择的近似品种做出合理性评价,并对今年新的部分申请品种推荐更为相近的近似品种,同时本研究中可能存在的“同名异物”和“同物异名”的品种还需基于外观表达性状的观测。
A total of 49 cultivars of cultivars and 47 strawberry cultivars were used as materials. By selecting 20 pairs of SSR primers from 208 pairs of strawberry SSR primers and using polymorphic polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis 96 strawberry cultivars were analyzed by the combination of detection and capillary electrophoresis. The different alleles of each marker were detected, and the corresponding reference varieties were selected for each allelic variation. The results showed that 206 alleles were detected with 20 pairs of primers and the average number of alleles per locus ranged from 6 to 15 with an average of 10.3 bands per locus. A total of 600 bands were detected. Bands 11 ~ 58, with an average of 30, the polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.80. The clustering results showed that the set of primers could distinguish all cultivars at the genetic similarity coefficient of 0.96, and the varieties bred in the same unit were preferentially grouped into one category. The reasonable evaluation of the approximate varieties selected for strawberry varieties in past years , And more similar varieties are recommended for the new part of this year’s application. At the same time, the varieties of “homonym” and “homonym” may need to be observed based on appearance expression traits.