缅怀红军丰功伟绩 大力弘扬长征精神——长征亲历者、十位开国将军话长征

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在20世纪30年代,有这样一个群体,他们在皑皑雪山、茫茫草地,打破敌人的围追堵截,战胜人间难以想象的艰难困苦,创造了人类历史上最动人心魄的伟大壮举。这个英雄群体,就是中国工农红军;这个伟大壮举,就是二万五千里长征。自从盘古开天地,三皇五帝到如今,长征是历史记录上的第一次。长征是宣言书,长征是宣传队,长征是播种机。长征是中国革命从挫折走向胜利的伟大转折点,长征是中国共产党人谱写的壮丽诗篇。长征在中华民族历史上,耸立起一座不朽的丰碑。红军都是英雄汉。中国共产党领导的工农红军在艰苦卓绝的二万五千里征程中,创造了举世闻名的长征精神。这就是江泽民同志概括的:“长征精神,是把国家和民族的根本利益看得高于一切,坚定革命的理想和信念,坚信正义事业必定胜和的精神;是为了救国救民、不怕任何艰难险阻、不惜付出一切牺牲的精神;是坚持独立自主、实事求是、一切从实际出发的精神;是顾全大局、严守纪律、紧密团结的精神;是紧紧依靠人民群众,同人民群众生死相依、患难与共、艰苦奋斗的精神”。长征精神是中华民族宝贵的精神财富,是激励中国人民进行建设社会主义现代化强国新的伟大长征的巨大精神力量。红军精神代代相传,永放光芒。为纪念红军长征胜利70周年,深切缅怀红军将士的丰功伟绩,大力弘扬长征精神,我们策划了纪念红军长征胜利70周年专题。10位开国将军、长征亲历者满怀激情话长征,字字句句感人肺腑、催人奋进。在此,我们衷心祝愿10位开国将军和所有健在的老红军健康长寿! In the 1930s, there was a group of people who, in the snow-capped mountains and the vast grasslands, broke the enemy’s siege and overcame the hardships unimaginable in the world and created the most breathtaking feat in mankind’s history. This heroic group is the Red Army of the Chinese Workers and Peasants; this great feat is the Long March of 25,000 miles. Since Pangu opened up the world, the Three Emperors and Five Emperors up to now, the Long March is the first record in history. The Long March is a declaration, the Long March is a propaganda team, the Long March is a seeder. The Long March is a great turning point for the Chinese revolution from frustration to victory. The Long March is a magnificent poem written by the Chinese Communists. In the history of the Chinese nation, the Long March stands as an immortal monument. The Red Army are heroic. The Red Army, a worker-peasant, led by the Communist Party of China, has created the world-famous Long March spirit in its arduous twenty-five thousand miles journey. This is what General Secretary Jiang Zemin summarized: “The spirit of the Long March is to give top priority to the fundamental interests of the country and the nation and to uphold the revolutionary ideal and conviction. We must firmly believe that the cause of justice must be overcome and won. We must spare no efforts in sacrificing everything. We must uphold the spirit of independence, seeking truth from facts, and proceeding from reality. We should always follow the principle of taking the overall situation into account and strictly follow the principles of discipline and solidarity. We must rely firmly on the people, the spirit of”. The spirit of the Long March is a precious spiritual wealth of the Chinese nation and a great spiritual force that instigates the Chinese people to carry out the great new Long March of building a socialist modern nation. The spirit of the Red Army is handed down from generation to generation, shining forever. In commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army in the Long March, we cherish the memory of the great achievements of the Red Army soldiers and vigorously promote the spirit of the Long March. We planned the special theme for the 70th anniversary of the victory of the Red Army in the Long March. Ten generals founding the country, the Long March witnesses full of passion long words, word words sentence touching, inspiring. Here, we sincerely wish 10 founding generals and all the healthy old Red Army longevity!
2009年年初,一条爆炸性的新闻在安徽省毫州市传开:市特警支队支队长白玉岭被毫州市纪检监察部门立案查处。消息传来,群众奔走相告,就在当晚纪检部门搜查白玉岭办公室时,有人在院里院外、白家门口燃放起了鞭炮,以示庆贺。  白玉岭是什么人?为何民愤如此之大?2010年4月7日,该案在毫州市中级法院一审开庭,作者前往旁听。  其实,在毫州这座城市里,白玉岭早已扬名立万,说起他,当地无人不知。  “老白是毫州