Dialectics is a commonly used teaching method for evaluating historical events or historical events in secondary school history classrooms. Materialist dialectics is one of the important contents of Marxist philosophy. Its general characteristics are the viewpoint of connection and development, and its essence and core are contradictory. The use of contradiction analysis should focus on the following aspects: Based on the principle that contradiction is the principle of unity of opposites, the problem is divided into two parts, recognition of contradiction, analysis of contradiction, exposure of contradiction and active finding of correct method to resolve contradiction. According to the principle of the dialectical relationship between universality and particularity of contradictions, we should focus on grasping the major contradictions and grasping the important points without neglecting the solution to and coordinating the secondary contradictions. Based on the major and minor contradictions, the major and minor contradictions Aspects of the principle of dialectical relations, should adhere to the two points theory and focus on the theory of a unified approach to understanding