排水是平原地区的重要水利活动,它往往牵涉到许多方面。上游要求将(?)加速排出,下游则希望尽量少输入,处置不好就将贻害有关方面。这也许就是历史上“以邻为壑 ”不绝于书的原因之一吧。在古代,除防洪、灌溉、航运、城市供水等专门法规外,区域性的排水法规也时有所见,其中北宋首都开封以南地区的排水法规就比较典型。开封地区地势平衍,交通发达,在唐代已是“舟车辐辏,人庶浩繁”的重要都会。宋代的开封不仅是首都所在地, 而且如当时张择端的“清明上河图”和孟元老《东京梦华录》所描绘的那样,商业和文化都很发达。这里的水上交通除了横贯东西的水运大动脉——汴河之外,还有东北方向的广济河,西南方向的惠民河和南边的蔡河。不过本地区的地理环境并非
Drainage is an important water activity in the plains, and it often involves many aspects. The upstream requirements will (?) Accelerate the discharge, the downstream hope that as little as possible input, handling is not good will harming the parties concerned. This may be one of the reasons why historically “neighborhood beggars” never cease to exist. In ancient times, in addition to flood control, irrigation, shipping, urban water supply and other special laws and regulations, regional drainage laws and regulations have also been seen from time to time, of which the northern Song Dynasty capital of Kaifeng, south of drainage regulations are more typical. Flat terrain in Kaifeng region, developed traffic, in the Tang Dynasty has been “boat convergence, people Shu Hao Fan ” important city. Not only did the capital of Song Dynasty be located in Kaifeng, but business and culture were well-developed as depicted by Zhang Zeduan’s “Qingming Riverside” and Meng Yuanlao’s “Tokyo Dreamland”. The water transport here in addition to things across the water main artery - Ba River, there are the northeast of the Guangji River, southwest of the Huimin River and the south of Cai River. However, the geographical environment in the area is not