一、第一部由中日两国法学家合著的宪法学专著的诞生 1994年6月在日本出版的《现代中国宪法论》(日文版),是第一部由中日两国宪法学家合著的、有关中国宪法学的理论专著。它是中日两国宪法学家共同智慧的重要结晶,也是近年以来中日两国法学家在进行学术交流过程中的一项丰硕成果。 该书中国方面的著者是中国法学会副会长、当代中国宪法学正统理论的代表人之一王叔文教授,日本方面的著者有:立命馆大学的畑中和夫教授和山下健次教授以及大阪大学的中国宪法专家西村幸次郎教授。本书是日本的法律文化社近年来推出的一套“现代中国法律丛书(共五卷)”其中的一卷,其总监修人是已故的中国最高法学权威张友渔教授以及日本著名的马克思主义法学家天野和夫教授。由于该书著者阵容与层次之可
I. The Birth of the First Constitutional Monograph Co-authored by Chinese and Japanese Jurists The “Theory of the Modern Chinese Constitution” (in Japanese), published in Japan in June 1994, is the first study written by the Constitutional Laws of China and Japan Family co-authored a theory monograph on the Chinese constitutional law. It is an important crystallization of the common wisdom of the constitutional lawyers of China and Japan and is also a fruitful result of the academic exchanges between China and Japan in recent years. The book’s author in China is Professor Wang Shuwen, vice president of the China Law Society, one of the representatives of contemporary China’s constitutional law orthodoxy, and the Japanese authors include Professor Takashi Nakamura and Professor Yamashita Yamashita of Ritsumeikan University, and China at Osaka University Constitution expert Yukimura Nishimura professor. This book is a volume published by Japan’s Law Society in recent years, “Modern Chinese Law Series (a total of five volumes),” one of its volumes, its director Xiu Ren is the late China’s supreme legal authority Professor Zhang Youyu and Japan’s famous Marxism Jurist Amano Kazuo. Due to the book author lineup and level of