我们学校学生大都来源于农村,他们阅历不广,知识面狭窄,我根据学生这个特点,一方面为学生订阅了一些报刊杂志,扩大他们的知识面,一方面从以下几个方面创造条件,开拓他们的写作材料的来源: 1、让学生观察实物。我们这里没有名山大川,奇峰异洞,只有一望无际的原野,我就让学生观察这原野上的棉花麦田、野花小草、风霜雨雪。逢上节假,就让他们游公园、赏花灯、看街景。在学校,带学生看校园的环境、看操场上学生的活动,还拿一些山水画、风景画以及学生自己的铅笔盒让学生观赏,把学生带进丰富多彩的生活中。
Most of our school students come from rural areas. They have limited experience and narrow knowledge. Based on the characteristics of students, I subscribe to newspapers and magazines for students and expand their knowledge. On the one hand, we create conditions from the following aspects: The source of their writing materials: 1. Let students observe the real thing. There are no mountains and rivers here. There are only a few holes in the mountains. I only let the students observe cotton fields, wild flowers, wind, rain, and snow on this wilderness. On the holiday, let them tour the park, enjoy the lantern, and see the street scene. At the school, students are allowed to look at the campus environment, see the activities of the students on the playground, take some landscape paintings, landscape paintings, and student’s own pencil boxes for students to watch and bring students into a rich and colorful life.