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中职产品造型设计项目课程教学实践正在逐步调整与完善。产品造型设计是一门以工学、美学、经济学为基础对工业产品进行的设计课程项目,它要求对其态、色彩、材质、结构等各方面进行综合设计思考,使产品既具有使用功能,又能满足人们审美的精神需要。素描是一切造型的基础,对它的认识和掌握的程度直接影响到造型作品的质量,在工艺设计方面尤其突出,因为设计更加依靠造型的原理,而设计素描又具有其特殊性。 Secondary vocational product design project curriculum teaching practice is gradually adjusted and improved. Product design is a design course based on engineering, aesthetics and economics. It requires comprehensive design thinking on the aspects of state, color, material and structure so that the product not only has the functions of use, But also to meet people’s aesthetic needs. Sketch is the basis of all modeling, its understanding and mastery of the degree of a direct impact on the quality of modeling works, especially in the process design, because the design is more dependent on the principle of modeling, and design sketches have their own particularity.
【摘要】学困生需要激励措施,要用情来换情,要关爱他们;尊重他们;用榜样的力量来感染他们,用家庭的教育温暖他们。  【关键词】学困生 激励  学困生,在职业中专学校可以说是普遍现象。班级中大部分学生是考不上高中的学生,他们不是文化课基础差,就是纪律性不强。要搞好这些学生的教育教学工作,抓好学困生思想教育,搞好班务工作实在是非常重要的事情。那么,如何对待学困生,我认为用“激励”的措施来转化他们是很好的