Environmental baseline evaluation of lead in shallow groundwater based on statistical and spatial ou
【机 构】
School of Resources and Civil Engineering, Suzhou University, 71 Bianhe Road, Suzhou 234000,People’s
【出 处】
Characteristics of biomarker in source rocks of Linxi Formation in Taohaiyingzi region, Zhalute basi
Based on gas chromatography and gas chromatography mass spectrometry techniques, the authors researched biomarker characteristics of the Linxi Formation source
Random numbers of heavy metal(Cd, As, and Pb) concentrations were created by Monte Carlo simulation of 16 representative sites in five soil zones from published papers for subsequent research. Ordinar
Trace elements of Carboniferous-Permian coal from the Adaohai Mine, Daqingshan Coalfield, Inner Mong
A total of 48 samples of Carboniferous–Permian coal was taken from the Adaohai Mine, Daqingshan Coalfield, Inner Mongolia, China. Cu2 coal is the major coalsea
一些从实业家向金融家晋级者,在资本运作层面动作频频,一些创新手法也令人眼花缭乱。我们梳理了近年来在资本层面的典型案例,涵盖了信贷融资、股权融资、担保、金融模式、套现、财务技巧、并购手法、借壳模式、上市等各细分领域,以揭示一些资本实务技巧。 案例:忠旺集团 类别:财务技巧 创新点:财务截流法则 企业经营通常都会有两种成本,一种是显性的经营成本,另外一种就是隐含的财务成本。你是否正面临着这样一
各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市及新疆生产建设兵团经贸委 (经委 )、计委、公安厅、环境保护局 (厅 )、汽车更新领导小组办公室 :为了鼓励技术进步、节约资源 ,促进汽车消
阎景翰 语文课与写作课还是不一样的,虽然也有很深的联系。语文课上了多年以后,我在大学上了写作课。我的老师是阎景翰先生,今年已经90岁了。从念大学到现在,如溪如缕,不断不密,我和阎老师一直往来着。 如果允许我用三个词语概括阎老师,那么反复搜选,我留下的词语会是这样三个:苦难,柔韧,倾诉。 在我的印象里,阎老师的神情从来是忧患的。也并非不笑,有时候,他的笑还很纯粹。嘴一咧,突发其声,嘿嘿成串,笑
Discussion on the PGE anomalies and source materials of K-bentonite (Bed 5) in the Lower Cambrian Me