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国务院于2001年6月6日审议通过的《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》(以下简称《条例》)自2001年11月1日开始实施,由于《条例》对国务院于1991年3月22日公布的1日《城市房屋拆迁管理条例》做了较大修改,在拆迁补偿安置方式、补偿安置对象等原则性问题上进行了重大调整,这些调整关系到老百姓切身利益,老百姓非常关注。自《条例》颁布以来。本刊不断接到读者咨询相关问题的来电来信。为帮助广大读者全面、系统地了解和掌握新《条例》,本刊特请建设部等有关主管部门对《条例》内容及条款逐条进行解释,并对《条例》所体现的立法思路、立法背景、删改内容及原因、如何操作等问题做详细说明,本刊将分期刊出,供广大读者参考。 The Regulations of the State Council on June 6, 2001 for Review and Administration of Urban Housing Demolition (hereinafter referred to as the “Regulations”) came into effect on November 1, 2001. Since the promulgation of the Regulations to the State Council on March 22, 1991 On January 1, the “Regulations on the Administration of Urban Housing Demolition” have been greatly revised. Major adjustments have been made to the principles of compensation and resettlement methods for demolition, objects of compensation and resettlement, and these adjustments have an immediate bearing on the vital interests of ordinary people and are of great concern to ordinary people. Since the “Regulations” promulgated. Articles continue to receive readers’ questions related to the call letter. In order to help readers to understand and master the new Regulations in a comprehensive and systematic manner, we hereby invite the relevant departments in charge of the Ministry of Construction to explain the contents and clauses of the Regulations one by one and explain the legislative ideas and legislative backgrounds embodied in the Regulations , Censorship content and reasons, how to operate and other issues to do a detailed description, the journal will be published in phases, for the majority of readers reference.
尽管当前经济形势不容乐观。但作为多数机构计算和网络能力的主干,数据中心越来越被视为关键的业务优先事项。各机构在不断进行这方面的投入,以提升性能和可靠性。  据美国康普与共同发起人博科、伊顿和英特尔委托进行的一项全新《全球数据中心市场调查》,在世界各地参加市场调查的机构中,几乎有三分之一(32%)正计划建造或正在建造新数据中心,而超过五分之四(83%)的现有数据中心获得基础设施和技术项目的进一步投资
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