大学毕业后做过机关干部,后辞职南下。1993年在北京注册北京万通实业股份有限公司,任法人代表兼总经理,开发的万通新世界广场和万通发展大厦等项目,被誉为京城房地产发展史上的一个里程碑。1995年,创立北京红石实业有限公司,1996年开发现代城,2001年开发建外 SOHO,2002年开发长城脚下的公社获得威尼斯双年展第八届国际建筑展“建筑艺术推动大奖”。
After graduating from college cadres, resigned after the south. In 1993, Beijing Vantone Industrial Co., Ltd. was registered in Beijing. As legal representative and general manager, Vantage New World Plaza and Wantong Development Building were developed. It is regarded as a milestone in the history of Beijing’s real estate development. In 1995, Beijing Hongshi Industrial Co., Ltd. was established. In 1996, Hyundai City was developed. In 2001, Jianwai SOHO was developed. In 2002, the commune at the foot of the Great Wall was awarded the 8th International Architecture Exhibition “Architectural Art Promotion Award” at the Venice Biennale. .