在世界范围内生产踏板车的厂商大致分为三个地区:日本、欧洲、我国台湾省。1995年以前,踏板车在人们的心目中只有代步工具的概念,而且排量大部分低于250mL,然而自1995年雅马哈推出majesty250踏板车之后,在摩托行业内最没有重量的踏板车开始进入了高速发展时期,其更新程度之快,技术创新之多,已经逐渐赶上了竞速和巡航摩托车的革新步伐。 1995年,雅马哈推出线条流畅、外形优美的majesty250,向多年来统治高档踏板车市场的本田Fusion250正式发出挑战并迅速占领了市场。面对雅马哈的挑战,本田毫不示弱,先后推出了Forsight250和Fora250与之对抗,虽然并未抢到优
Scooters manufacturers around the world can be roughly divided into three regions: Japan, Europe, Taiwan Province of China. Before 1995, scooters were the only concept of mobility in people’s minds, and most of the displacement was less than 250 mL. However, since the launch of the majesty 250 scooter by Yamaha in 1995, the weightless scooter in the motorcycle industry started to enter Rapid development period, its rapid update, many technological innovations, has gradually caught up with the pace of racing and cruising motorcycle innovation. In 1995, Yamaha launched the sleek and sleek majesty250, officially challenging the Honda Fusion250 that has dominated the upscale scooter market for years and quickly took over the market. In the face of Yamaha’s challenge, Honda did not show any weakness, has launched the Forsight250 and Fora250 with the confrontation, though not grab the excellent