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  【摘 要】目前的位置服务及定位应用一般都是GPS或北斗星与移动通信网络结合,完成自身位置定位或对他人的位置定位。这种方式依赖与移动通信网络,一旦在野外,手机信号覆盖不到的地方,定位或位置监控无法实现。随着户外运动增加,大量的驴友团失踪、遇险、迷路事件的发生,野外位置监控系统需求日趋明显。Zigbee短距离通信与GPS定位系统结合实现野外位置监控可解决野外活动对位置服务的需求,特别是无手机信号的环境中可现实位置监控、信息互通、电子围栏告警、求助救助等强大功能。
  Field position monitoring systems based on Zigbee and GPS technology
  Jiang Bao-sheng
  (Shaanxi Han and Tang Dynasties Computer Co., Ltd Xi''an Shaanxi 710000)
  【Abstract】The current location services and location-based applications in general are the GPS or the Big Dipper and mobile communication networks to complete their own location positioning or location positioning on the others. In this way dependent on the mobile communication network in the field, mobile phone signal coverage to the place, location or position of control can not be achieved. With the increase in outdoor sports, a lot of the ALICE group missing, distress, lost events, field position monitoring system needs become more evident. Zigbee short-range communications and GPS positioning systems combined with field location monitor resolves outdoor activities demand for location-based services, in particular, no phone signal can be realistic position monitoring, information exchange, electronic fence alarm, help rescue and other powerful features.
  【Key words】Zigbee;GPS positioning;Position monitoring
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【摘 要】建筑工程施工中,混凝土质量控制是最为关键的,因为混凝土的施工质量关系到整个建筑的整体质量。然而,混凝土施工质量影响因素很多,其中最为关键的是温度,尤其在冬季施工中,混凝土温度控制把握不好,会严重影响混凝土施工质量。文章阐述了建筑工程混凝土冬季施工过程中存在的问题,并提出了优化控制措施。  【关键词】建筑工程;混凝土;冬季;质量  Winter construction of concre
【摘 要】春季是植树的黄金季节,但经常会出现年年植树不见树,屡种屡死的现象。笔者认为严把进苗关、把好种植关。  【关键词】成活率;进苗关;种植关  Spring tree planting to improve the survival rate of a few key points    Nurenguli?Yasen  (Korla City Bureau of Parks Korla Xi
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