The Corvée Oilfield (High Mountain) is one of the world’s first representatives to successfully complete and successfully apply the naked-eye level on the northern slope of Alaska. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the causes of the completion of the well completion in the Corvée Oilfield and to identify the key factors for its successful application. The best well completion technology for test wells is determined by reservoir characteristics, geological conditions, rock mechanics, development options and completion design. Discussion on the Advantages and Disadvantages of Completion Technique of Horizontal Hole Based on Corvall River Oilfield. There are three key factors to successful application of open hole horizontal well completion technology. Based on these three factors, other reservoirs on the northern slope are evaluated to determine the potential of openhole completion. The center of evaluation includes parameters of underground reservoirs, development options, fluid contact surface and wellbore geometry. The results show that only another North Slope oil and gas field with open-hole completion benefit. This paper aims to provide guidance for openhole horizontal well completion in future applications on the northern slope and other fields.