目的了解驻马店市生活饮用水污染状况,防止水源性疾病发生,为饮用水卫生管理提供依据。方法按照《生活饮用水标准检验方法》(GB5750/T-2006)对驻马店市2012年-2013年个人委托自备井水、管网末梢水、农村学校自供水进行检验。结果 2012-2013年共检测生活饮用水水样442份,合格352份,合格率79.64%,其中自备井水291份,合格率76.29%,末梢水92份,合格率97.93%,农村学校自供水59份,合格率67.80%。结论个人委托自备井水、农村学校自供水卫生状况较差,相关部门应加强监督力度,保证饮水安全。
Objective To understand the pollution status of drinking water in Zhumadian City and prevent the occurrence of water-borne diseases so as to provide the basis for the sanitary management of drinking water. Methods According to Standard Test Method for Domestic Drinking Water (GB5750 / T-2006), personal entrusted self-made well water, pipe network peripheral water and rural school self-supplied water were tested in 2012-2013 in Zhumadian City. Results A total of 442 samples of drinking water were tested in 2012-2013 with a pass rate of 79.64%, of which 291 were domesticated well water, with a passing rate of 76.29% and 92 peripheral waters with a pass rate of 97.93% Water supply 59, the passing rate of 67.80%. Conclusion Individual entrusted self-prepared well water, rural schools self-water hygienic condition is poor, the relevant departments should strengthen supervision, to ensure drinking water safety.