“东亚文化之都”是中日韩三国在文化领域共同打造的东亚区域文化合作品牌活动。今年以来,中国青岛、日本新溻、韩国清州以“东亚文化之都”名义开展了丰富多彩、形式多样的文化活动。随着“201 5东亚文化之都”系列文化活动在中日韩三国全面展开,201 5中日韩东亚文化之都·中国青岛活动年“青岛文化周”也以精彩纷呈的艺术形式奉上一场文化盛宴。“东亚文化”齐聚青岛7月24日,中共青岛市委副书
“The Capital of East Asian Culture ” is the East Asian and South Korean regional cultural cooperation brand activities jointly built by the three countries in the field of culture. Since the beginning of this year, Qingdao, Japan’s Shinanbo and South Korea’s Chingchow have carried out rich and colorful cultural activities in the name of “the capital of East Asian culture.” With the “201 East Asian Cultural Capital” series of cultural activities in full swing in China, Japan and South Korea, 201 5 China, Japan and South Korea East Asian cultural capital, Qingdao, China, “Qingdao Culture Week” is also a colorful arts Form a cultural feast. “East Asian Culture ” gathered in Qingdao July 24, CPC Qingdao Municipal Committee