Bladder stone disease in the Pearl River Delta in Guangdong Province is more common. The hospital from January 1953 to January 1963 in the middle of 10 years, received a total of 396 cases of bladder stones disease (of which 74 were discharged due to stone Diaton in the urethra, acute symptoms and hospitalization), except for 9 cases only by X Bladder line and metal exploration confirmed the diagnosis without surgical treatment, the rest of the stones, were confirmed by surgery removed. Case analysis Incidence and incidence: 396 cases of this group were born and living in Dongguan or near Dongguan. Accounting for 5.31% of the total number of surgical inpatients of 7,459 during the same period, which was higher than that of various reports. Gender and age: 363 males (91.67%) and 33 females (8.33%), with a ratio of 11: 1 between males and females; the number of females