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  Two blocks away from the Mississippi State Capitol, and on the same street with it, where our house was when I was a child growing up in 1)Jackson, it was possible to have a little pasture behind your backyard where you could keep a Jersey cow, which we did. My mother herself milked her. A 2)thrifty homemaker, wife, mother of three, she did all her own cooking. And as far as I can recall, she never set foot inside a grocery store. It wasn’t necessary.
  For all her regular needs, she stood at the telephone in our front hall and consulted with Mr. Lemly, of Lemly’s Market and Grocery downtown, who took her order and sent it out on his next delivery. And since Jackson at the heart of it was still within very near reach of the open country, the blackberry lady clanged on her bucket with a 3)quart measure at your front door in June without fail, the watermelon man rolled up to your house exactly on time for 4)the Fourth of July, and down through the summer, the quiet of the early-morning streets was pierced by the calls of farmers driving in with their plenty.

  My mother considered herself pretty well prepared in her kitchen for any emergency that, in her words, might choose to present itself. But if she should, all of a sudden, need another lemon or find she was out of bread, all she had to do was call out, “Quick! Who’d like to run to the Little Store for me?”
  I would.
  Our store had its name—it was that of the grocer who owned it, whom I’ll call Mr. Sessions—but “the Little Store” is what we called it at home.
  As I set forth for the Little Store, a tune would float toward me from the house where there lived three sisters, girls in their teens, who 5)ratted their hair over their ears, wore headbands like gladiators, and were considered to be very popular. They’d wind up the Victrola, leave the same record on they’d played before, and you’d see them bobbing past their dining-room windows while they danced with each other.
  A little further on, across the street, was the house where the principal of our grade school lived. What if she would come out? She would halt me in my tracks—she had a very carrying and well-known voice in Jackson, where she’d taught almost everybody—saying “Eudora Alice Welty, spell oblige.” Oblige was the word that she of course knew had kept me from getting a perfect score on my spelling exam.
  Our Little Store rose right up from the sidewalk; standing in a street of family houses, it alone hadn’t any yard in front, any tree or flowerbed. It was a plain frame building covered over with brick.   Running in out of the sun, you met what seemed total obscurity inside. There were almost tangible smells—6)licorice recently sucked in a child’s cheek, dill-pickle 7)brine that had leaked through a paper sack in a fresh trail across the wooden floor, and perhaps the smell of still-untrapped mice.
  Then through the motes of cracker dust, cornmeal dust, the Gold Dust of the 8)Gold Dust Twins that the floor had been swept out with, the realities emerged. Shelves climbed to high reach all the way around, set out with not too much of any one thing but a lot of things. It was up to you to remember what you came for, while your eye traveled from cans of sardines to ice cream salt to 9)harmonicas to flypaper.
  Its confusion may have been in the eye of its beholder. Enchantment is cast upon you by all those things you weren’t supposed to have need for, it lures you close to wooden tops you’d outgrown, boy’s marbles and agates in little net pouches, small rubber balls that wouldn’t bounce straight.

  Making up your mind, you circled the store around and around, around the pickle barrel, around the tower of 10)Cracker Jack boxes.
  If it seemed too hot for Cracker Jacks, I might get a cold drink. Mr. Sessions might have already stationed himself by the cold-drinks barrel, like a mind reader. When you gave the word, Mr. Sessions plunged his bare arm in to the elbow and fished out your choice, first try. I favored a locally bottled 11)concoction called Lake’s Celery. You drank on the premises, with feet set wide apart to miss the drip, and gave him back his bottle.

  But he didn’t hurry you off. A standing scale was by the door, and it could weigh you up to three hundred pounds. Mr. Sessions, whose hands were gentle and smelled of carbolic, would lift you up and set your feet on the platform, hold your loaf of bread for you, and take his time while you stood still. He could even remember what you weighed last time, so you could subtract and announce how much you’d gained. That was good-bye.
  The happiness of errands was in part that of running for the moment away from home, a free spirit. I believed the Little Store to be a center of the outside world, and hence of happiness.
  In my memory all the people are still attached to the store. Everyone I saw on my way seemed to me then part of my errand, and in a way they were. As I, myself, the free spirit, was part of it too.

好吧,你的出现让我倾倒,  我确实已经感受到  我想冷静但你美艳火辣使我融化  但你对我视而不见  如今我试着回归现实  在我的冷静尚未消逝之前  我将会倾尽全力  除非天意阻挠,否则我无可阻挡  我猜这次又轮到我了,  赢得胜利或吸取教训
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