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深圳证券市场经过几年的风风雨雨,已从一个地方市场发展成为全国性市场,是世界上成长最快的新兴市场之一.但如今,它已非昔日的“一枝独秀”,而是面临着多方的竞争压力,处于发展的决策路口上.笔者于今年6月份到东北、华东、中南、西南等地区进行了综合调研,客观地了解到各地对深圳证券市场的看法,由此感触颇深.一、证券市场综述1、证券市场进入了一个较长的调整期.这次“熊市”之所以长达近一年半,一是由于证券市场发展本身要求进行新一轮的调整,过去几年的一、二级市场过度加热,整个市场高烧不下,调整不可避免.二是整个国民经济也正处于一个大调整时期,其负面影响波及到证券市场.紧缩的货币政策仍将是今 After years of ups and downs, the Shenzhen stock market has evolved from a local market to a national market, one of the fastest-growing emerging markets in the world, but today it is no longer the “thriving” market but the The pressure of various competitions is at the decision-making juncture of development.I made a comprehensive survey in northeast China, east China, central south China and southwestern China in June this year, and got an objective understanding of the views of Shenzhen securities market from various places. First, the stock market overview 1, the stock market has entered a longer period of adjustment.The reason why the “bear market” up to nearly a year and a half, one is due to the development of the securities market itself requires a new round of adjustments in the past few years The secondary and tertiary markets are overheated, the entire market is undergoing a high fever and the adjustment is inevitable. Second, the entire national economy is also undergoing a period of major adjustment with its negative impact on the securities market. The tightening monetary policy will continue to be today
〔关键词〕 班主任;学生;班集体;评价;总结  〔中图分类号〕 G625.1 〔文献标识码〕 C  〔文章编号〕 1004—0463(2013)20—0033—01  学校教育是我国主要的教学形式,班级授课制是学校教育的基本形式。因此,作为“班集体灵魂”的班主任应该充分认识到自己所承担的责任。笔者通过多年班主任工作的实践和探索,从中也总结出一些方法和经验,本文就小学班主任工作谈几点自己的体会。  