通过对敦煌市道路行道树滴灌系统中几种常用的滴灌带灌水均匀度的田间实际测试研究 ,提出了一种实际应用过程中评价分析滴灌带灌水均匀度的方法 ,从而对滴灌带的性能作出实际应用测试评价 ,以帮助用户更好地选用滴灌带及进行滴灌系统设计
Based on the actual field test of several commonly used drip irrigation uniformity in the drip irrigation system of Dunhuang city, a method of evaluating and analyzing the drip irrigation uniformity in practical application was put forward to make the performance of drip irrigation belt real Application test evaluation to help users better use drip irrigation tape and drip irrigation system design