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画蛇添足、买椟还珠、拔苗助长这些我们熟知的成语故事里有三个傻瓜,他们真的是傻瓜吗?还是历史误解了他们?有一位画家,参加了一次绘画比赛。主办方提出了一个荒唐的竞赛办法:比速度。画家完成自己的作品后,对自己作品的写实风格不满意,于是在原来的作品上进行了加工,使画作充满了诡异的浪漫主义色彩。比赛结果出来了,画家因为超时被判负。人们都在抱怨画家不该浪费修改作品的那几分钟,画家却说:我是个画家,追求的是更美,而比赛追求的是更快。这不是我的问题,是游戏 Painting supernatural beings, buy nirvana beads, destructive power to help these well-known idioms in my story there are three fools, they are really a fool? Or history has misunderstood them? An artist, took part in a drawing competition. The organizers made a ridiculous way to compete: more than speed. After completing his own work, the painter was dissatisfied with the realistic style of his own work and proceeded to process the original work so that the painting was full of weird romanticism. The results came out, the painter was sentenced to negative overtime. People are complaining about how painters should not waste editing works. The painter said: I am a painter, pursuing a more beautiful, and the pursuit of the game is faster. This is not my problem, it’s a game
10月16 日,自治区林业局在南宁市召开了自治区直属林业企业工作座谈会.自治区林业局利用处全体人员,人教处、计财处、社保中心负责人和直属林业企业厂长、场长、经理、书记等
目前对第二轮修志有两种理解 :是“修‘续志’”还是“‘续’修志”。从“‘修’续志”的含义看主要包括续、补、纠、创四方面 :一、续就是续记前志断限后的史事 ;二、补就是
当今高中地理课堂教学中,创设教学情境已成为教师常用的策略,改变了传统的课堂教学中的教与学,体现出新课改生的求知欲,激发了学生的学习兴趣。 In today’s high school ge