新患糖尿病的患者会问:“我得了糖尿病还能活多久?”这是一个很难回答又必须回答的问题。糖尿病并不意味着寿命缩短。《实用糖尿病学》记载了两个病历,一女活到92岁,一男活到99岁。美国1600万糖尿病人中有30%活到80岁以上。为什么美国的糖尿病人能长寿?因为他们掌握了同疾病做斗争的方法。 一、加入糖尿病协会等组织。一旦诊断患有糖尿病,许多人会长时间生活在忧虑、恐惧、悲伤之中,不知如何是好。最佳途径是参加糖尿病协会(如ADA)组织的学习班。对糖尿病患者进行教育,是世界公认
Patients with new diabetes will ask: “How long can I have diabetes?” This is a difficult question to answer. Diabetes does not mean shortened life expectancy. “Practical Diabetes” records two medical records, a woman alive to 92 years old, a man alive to 99 years old. Thirty percent of the 16 million diabetic patients in the United States live to be over 80 years of age. Why diabetes in the United States can live longer? Because they have mastered the fight against the disease. First, join the Diabetes Association and other organizations. Once diagnosed with diabetes, many people will live in fear, fear, sadness for a long time, I do not know how to be good. The best way is to attend a class organized by the Diabetes Association (such as ADA). Education for people with diabetes is recognized in the world