1997年以来,我们对稻田养殖美国青蛙的技术进行了研究,研究中曾遇到了蛙病防治的一些问题,现结合其它养殖方式有关蛙病的防治报道,对稻田养蛙中蛙病防治的综合技术措施进行总结,以期更好地推动我国稻田养蛙事业的发展。1稻田蛙病的发生原因1.1环境因素 在一般情况下,蛙对环境的变化有一定的适应和耐受能力,但如果某项环境因子变化幅度过激或超过了蛙的正常适应范围,就会诱发蛙病发生。如短时间内使美国青
Since 1997, we have studied the technology of breeding American frogs in paddy fields. Some problems encountered in the prevention and treatment of frog disease have been encountered in the study. Combining with the reports on the prevention and treatment of frog diseases in other farming practices, Technical measures to summarize, with a view to better promote China’s paddy field frog development. 1 rice frog disease causes 1.1 environmental factors in general, the frog on environmental changes have some adaptability and tolerance, but if an environmental factor changes in excess of or beyond the scope of the normal adaptation of the frog will be induced Frog disease occurs. As a short period of time so that the United States green