Male patient, 76 years old, with a history of hypertension for 6-7 years .There was repeated chest tightness, heart palpitations and sternal pain after half a year. This time lasted for 5 hours and was admitted to hospital on October 2, 1984. Physical examination .BP170 / 90, consciousness Clear, soft spirit, no jugular vein engorgement, unhealthy pulmonary rales at the bottom of the lungs, heart does not expand, heart rate 116 beats / min or so, heart rhythm is absolutely irregular, A_2> P_2, A_2 hyperthyroidism, heart murmur is not obvious, liver Spleen does not enlarge. ECG (Figure 1) shows atrial fibrillation, ventricular rhythm significant irregularity, there are two types of QRS: a relative “normal ” (incomplete left bundle branch block)