64年电热蜡刀一文发表后,不少读者来仪询问详细制作方法,因文中未写入具体方法及尺寸等,使同辺们在制作中发生困难,甚以为欠。原电热蜡刀使用数年后因故障失修,未再使用。近年来我科将市售内热式电烙铁(无线电爱好者常用),其功率为20瓦,改成电蜡刀在使用中感到方便,简介如下: 将电烙铁可卸之头部(紫铜制成),拔下,以吹管加热后,将其尖部锤扁并使稍弯曲,再以砂石磨成常用蜡刀形态,并将颈部磨细(以降低蜡刀温度),以砂纸打光,(?)入原位即成。
After the publication of the 64-year electric wax knife, quite a few readers asked for the details of the production method. The specific methods and dimensions were not included in the text, which made it difficult for the same people to make their own designs. The original electric wax knife after a few years due to disrepair, no longer used. In recent years, our department will be commercially available thermal electric iron (commonly used by radio enthusiasts), the power of 20 watts, into a wax knife in the use of convenience, as follows: The head can be detachable electric iron (made of copper ), Unplug, to blow the pipe heating, the tip of the hammer flat and slightly curved, and then gravel into the common wax cutter shape, and the neck grinding (to reduce the wax knife temperature), sandpaper polishing , (?) Into the original Serve.