目的:通过欣赏歌曲《迷路的小花鸭》,帮助幼儿理解歌曲内容,听辨歌曲所表达的情绪,激发幼儿的同情心,培养他们助人为乐的好品德。并能将自己的感受用动作表现出来。 准备:木偶小男孩和小鸭子各1。“母鸡”和“矮人”头饰若干。按幼儿人数配备3种音符牌——
OBJECTIVE: To help young children understand the contents of songs by listening to the song “Lost Flowers and Ducks”, listen to the emotions expressed by the songs, stimulate the compassion of young children and cultivate their good moral character. And can express their own feelings with action. Preparation: puppet boy and duckling each one. “Hen” and “dwarf” headdress number. According to the number of children with 3 kinds of musical notes -