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一要不是动土,很多事也许就像谜一样埋在地下,永远也不为人知。这乡间,称迁坟为动土。这动土是有讲究的,不是想动土就能动土,而是非得在每年的冬至或清明节方可进行。而且动土也不是随便就可以进行的,除非是到了非动土不可的地步才可动土。当然这都是老规矩了,老规矩是几十年甚至数百年前传下来的,也不是不能改变,后辈们的做法埋在土里的一代代先人们当然是不知道的,他们早已在地底下化为了泥土。但陈德不这么认为,更不会像比他年轻一辈或几辈的人那么做。 One is not to earth, a lot of things may be buried like a mystery underground, never know. This country, said moving grave for the ground. This earth-shaking is pay attention to, not want to move to earth can land, but must be in the annual winter solstice or Ching Ming Festival. And not only can be carried out without exception, unless it is non-indispensable to move soil. Of course, these are all old rules. The old rules were handed down from decades to centuries ago, and they can not be changed. Of course, generations of pioneer people who were buried in the soil did not know it. Under the ground for the soil. But Chen did not think so, nor did he do as much as he was younger or younger.
我乡系湖南安化山区一个经济贫困的边远小乡,乡镇企业起步迟,规模小,效益差。在力图走出经济发展低谷之时,却被一条信息误入歧途,上当受骗金额达32万余元。 1991年秋,一封标
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