本文旨在探索小麦新品种文麦11号的最佳播种期、最佳播种量、最佳施肥量,以期为其适时播种、合理密植、科学施肥提供依据,并在推广中为农民种植提供相应指导。采用不同播期、不同密度、不同施肥量(N)三因素三水平正交试验方法进行研究。结果表明,不同处理组合中,以11月5日播种、播种量336.75 kg/hm~2、施氮肥300 kg/hm~2的处理组合产量明显高于其他处理,其平均产量为6 015.15 kg/hm~2;晚播降水少,苗期气温低,不利于小麦生长,文麦11号最佳播种期在11月中旬左右;由于环境等各方面的因素导致本试验的基本苗不足,致使试验结果没有达到预期,结果显示密度因素对产量无显著影响;施肥水平方面结果显示,该品种对氮肥的需求十分敏感,高产需要高水肥条件。
This paper aims to explore the new wheat variety Wenmai 11 the best sowing time, the best sowing amount, the best fertilizer, with a view to timely sowing, reasonable close planting, scientific fertilization to provide the basis for the promotion of farmers in the corresponding planting guide. Different sowing dates, different densities and different fertilization rates (N) were used to study the three factors and three levels of orthogonal experiment. The results showed that the yield of the combination of different treatments was sowed on Nov. 5 with sowing rate of 336.75 kg / hm ~ 2 and nitrogen fertilizer of 300 kg / hm ~ 2, the average yield was 6 015.15 kg / hm ~ 2; late sowing less rainfall, low temperature in seedling stage is not conducive to the growth of wheat, Wenmai 11 the best sowing time around mid-November; due to environmental factors and other factors led to the basic seedlings of the test, resulting in test The results did not reach the expected results showed no significant effect of density on yield; fertilization level results show that the variety is very sensitive to the demand for nitrogen fertilizer, high yield needs high water and fertilizer conditions.