Patient 25 years old, hospital number 7609, menopause 35 days, abdominal pain for 4 days, on December 30, 1991 emergency admission. Menstrual history: 30/4 to 5 days, the last menstruation: November 25, 1991. Physical examination: T36.7 ℃, P104 beats / min, R26 beats / min, BP11 / 8KPa, anemic appearance, normal heart and lungs, slightly bulging abdomen, tenderness (+), rebound tenderness (+), shifting dullness (+). Gynecological examination: Cervical non-staining, no pain, swing pain (±), Palace anterior, full, seems to have a sense of floating, the left side may touch about 4 × 5 × 5cm size of the mass, the boundary is unclear, tenderness (+), Right (-), abdominal puncture out dark red blood clot 3ml, test: Hb75 g / L, RBC2.59 × 10 ~ (12) / L, WBC8.4 × 10 ~ 9/L, N68% , A clotting time and platelet count were normal. To be diagnosed: corpus luteum rupture, ectopic pregnancy, laparotomy exploration. Intraoperative normal uterus