Capitalism in the 19th century was fully victorious, and they used every means to protect their own interests. Therefore, the most severe penalties are imposed on the issue of juvenile delinquency, especially the economic crime involving property, and even imputed. By the middle and late 19th century, with the efforts of humanitarians, philanthropists and others, people gradually changed their punishment of juvenile delinquency. They shifted from focusing on punishment and punishment to focusing on prevention and reform, focusing on orthopedic prevention instead of Severe punishment law. The Children’s Law of 1908 sets the sentencing distinction between adult crimes and juvenile delinquency and renounces criminal judgments based on punitive sanctions. The changes from the concept of punishment and the mode of trial to the trial of law reflect the changes in the concept of punishment of juvenile delinquency in the United Kingdom in the 19th century and to a certain extent reflect the changes in the times and the process of the development of civilization.