
来源 :IMP & HIRFL Annual Report | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:forgauss
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As both a sensor and a transducer, ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) responds to a broad spectrum of DNA damages, including DNA double-strand breaks and many others that interfere with DNA replication, and also plays a crucial role in the suppression of telomere fragility and recombination[1-4]. It triggers a bunch of downstream genes and pathways. However, little is known about the regulatory mechanisms for ATR expression itself. MicroRNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs critically functioning across various biological processes via post-transcriptionally regulating the expression of targeted genes in a sequence-specific manner. As both a sensor and a transducer, ATM- and Rad3-related (ATR) responds to a broad spectrum of DNA damages, including DNA double-strand breaks and many others that interfere with DNA replication, and also plays a crucial role in the suppression Of telomere fragility and recombination [1-4]. It triggers a bunch of downstream genes and pathways. However, little is known about the regulatory mechanisms for ATR expression itself. MicroRNAs are a class of small non-coding RNAs critically functioning across various biological processes via post-transcriptionally regulating the expression of targeted genes in a sequence-specific manner.
两种办公用的粘合剂和一种定影剂,都采用了喷雾包装。(如照片所示)其中一种粘合剂是用于连续粘合,另一种是用于最终的缀合,而定影剂能使照片、贴标等保持崭新的状态…… Tw
华北石油会战油建指挥部为提高头盖切边质量和工效,减轻体力劳动,实现头盖切边机械化,于一九七四年四月试制成功一台头盖切边转胎。 结构和原理 用1.5瓩手电钻电机24作动力,
童谣大家谈丢手绢 杜虹牵、牵,牵圆圈,牵个圆圈丢手绢。手绢花,手绢小,丢下手绢你就跑你就跑,我就追,追上拍拍你的背。拍拍背,你就停,唱支歌儿大家听。[点评]有一种协调动做、但并无实
1 什么是计算机网络从组成结构讲,计算机网络是通过外围的设备和连线,将分布在相同或不同地域的多台计算机接在一起所形成的集合。从应用角度讲,只要将具有独立功能的多台计
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