菲利普·肖认为:“处理速度在很大程度上决定了你聪明与否,但并非唯一的因素。”新的研究表明,大脑中包被神经网络的隔绝保护层对于决定智商起着至关重要作用。此外,这一隔绝保护层本身的性质特点似乎主要由基因遗传决定,这就进一步支持了智商部分由遗传决定的观点。这一发现是通过详细研究双胞胎大脑得到的,暗示了不断发展的大脑成像技术可能揭示我们绝大部分基本特征。菲利普·肖(Philip Shaw)说:“这一研究回答了关于大脑如何表达智
Phillip Shaw says: ”Processing speed is a big part of determining whether you are smart or not, but not the only one.“ New research shows that the brain’s insulate layer, which wraps the neural network, Important role. In addition, the nature of the barrier itself appears to be dominated by genetic inheritance, further supporting the idea that the IQ part is genetically determined. This finding was made by studying the twins’ brains in detail, suggesting that evolving brain imaging may reveal most of our basic features. Philip Shaw said: ”This study answers questions about how the brain expresses wisdom