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在知识经济时代,薪资管理是在各国地勘单位人力资源管理中占据着关键性的地位,几乎与人力资源的每一个部分都密不可分。薪资管理在人力资源中起着吸引外来人才、保留单位的员工以及促使新员工奋发向上的作用。由此可见,在各地勘单位的竞争当中,薪资管理扮演着必不可少的角色。在加入WTO以后,人才市场变得越来越活跃,这样一来地勘单位必须加快转变经济发展方式,推动产业结构优化升级,不断深化改革薪资管理方式吸引和留住人才,促进单位的经济不断发展。本文首先分析了地勘单位的基本情况,然后讲解了薪资管理的概念、内容以及影响薪资管理的主要因素;其次分析了当前我国地勘单位在薪资管理方面存在的问题和不足,最后提出了高效的薪资管理方式新见解。 In the era of knowledge-based economy, salary management occupies a crucial position in the human resources management of geological exploration units in various countries and is almost inseparable from every part of human resources. Salary management plays a role in human resources in attracting foreign talent, retaining employees and encouraging new employees to work hard. Thus, salary management plays an indispensable role in the competition among geological units in various places. After China’s accession to the WTO, the talent market has become more and more active. As a result, the geological exploration units must speed up the transformation of the mode of economic development, optimize and upgrade the industrial structure, continuously deepen the reform of salary management to attract and retain talents and promote the economy of the unit development of. This paper first analyzes the basic situation of the geological exploration unit, and then explains the concept and content of the salary management and the main factors that affect the salary management. Secondly, it analyzes the existing problems and deficiencies in the payroll management of the geological exploration units in our country. Finally, New Ways of Payroll Management.
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