尽管CAD在实务中出现的次数较多,但是对于这种贸易结算方式的规定并没有国际惯例可循,因而存在诸多不确定性。2013年5月10日,某银行分部的客户A公司,向出口岗递交了一套单据,单据金额USD30817.50,付款人INTEK CORPORATION,代收银行SONERI BANK LIMITED MAIN BRANCH,PAKISTAN。《出口单据收妥/结汇申请书》托收单据的位置填写有“CAD”字样。经办人员审查后迅速与客户取得了联系,得知付款人是一家巴基斯坦公司,在与A公司的贸易谈判中要求通过
Although CAD appears more often in practice, there are no international conventions regarding the provisions of this trade settlement method and there are many uncertainties. On May 10, 2013, Customer A Company of a bank branch submitted a set of documents to the export post with the amount of USD30817.50 and the payee INTEK CORPORATION, the receiving bank SONERI BANK LIMITED MAIN BRANCH, PAKISTAN. “Receipt of export receipts / settlement applications,” the location of the collection documents filled with “CAD ” words. After handling the review staff quickly made contact with the customer, that the payer is a Pakistani company, with the company’s trade negotiations requested by