牵牛花综合征(Morning glory syndrome)是一罕见的视乳头先天异常,由于眼底表现很象一朵盛开的牵牛花,故Kindler(1970)命名为牵牛花综合征并报告10例。他还指出:Handmam(1929)报告的6例“遗传性视乳头中央胶质异常”和Pedler(1916)报告的1例“视神经入口缺损”的病理组织学检查均很象是本征。日本首先由植村等(1973)报告,我国首先由笔者(1980)报告1例。严密等(1985)报告5例,邓寄冰报告1例。迄今国内外文献共报道约近百例,现将本征有限的国内外文献综述如下。
Morning glory syndrome is a rare congenital anterior papillae. Kindler (1970) named morning glory syndrome and reported 10 cases because the fundus resembles a blooming morning glory. He also pointed out that the histopathological examination of six cases of “central papillary degeneration of the optic papilla” reported by Handmam (1929) and one case of “optic nerve defect at the entrance” reported by Pedler (1916) were very similar. Japan was first reported by Uemura et al. (1973), and China first reported one case by the author (1980). Strict (1985) reported 5 cases, Deng sent ice report 1 case. Up to now, about 100 cases have been reported in literature both at home and abroad. Now we summarize the limited literature both at home and abroad.