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  K ickinginto a Season of China-Mania
  I still remember way back in 2005 when I first heardabout Kung Fu Panda, I thought it was a pathetic[没希望成功的]idea. It sounded like another annoying, witless animalcenteredanimation that would just rely on cheap jokesto amuse 10-year-olds. To my big surprise, however, thefilm now successfully proves itself a true summerblockbuster[轰动一时的作品]!
  All About Kung Fu
  Like its name, kung fu is one of the basic factors in thisfilm. Kung fu fans are all over the world. They marvelat[对……惊奇] the skills of Bruce Lee (Li Xiaolong) and Jet Li (LiLianjie), and have fun watching the antics[可笑的动作] of JackieChan (Cheng Long). Come on, what else, besides the fightscenes between Jet Li and Jackie Chan in The Forbidden Kingdom,could attract such a large audience worldwide?
  Since the directors, Mark Osborne and JohnStevenson, grew up loving kung fu films, theytake martial arts[武术] as seriously as their maincharacter, Po the panda, to whom kung fu meanseverything. No wonder the new picture is almostlike an animated Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.Many of the fights are so smartly thought outand presented that they could have been designedby an ace[一流的] stunt[特技] director like Yuen WooPing (Yuan Heping), perfectly capturing[捕获] thelook and feel of martial arts masterpieces, butremaining accessible[可理解的] enough even for theyoungest audiences.
  The Year of China
  Hollywood loves to incorporate[混合] Chineseelements in its films. For example, fights in TheMatrix and Kill Bill are really eye-catching, andHayden Christensen from Jumper says “goodbye”in Cantonese. What’s special about Kung FuPanda is the film aims to create an ancientChinese world where everything lives in harmony.Even the outdoor locations were heavily influencedby the look of the Li River Valley and thecity of Guilin.
  Jack Black, who dubs[配音] Po in the film, can’tagree more. “If you’re setting a film in a certainlocale[场所], it’s important to get it right. If youreally nail[(俚)抓住] it, the people who go to themovie are traveling to see that place as well.You want to take them somewhere real and spe-cial.”
  But Kung Fu Panda is just the very beginningof a whole season of China-mania.Jet Li willreturn with the third film of The Mummyseries in August; Mei Lan Fang and Red Cliff areon their way to amaze global audiences. Withthe arriva lof the Olympic Games , the world ’s interest in China is increasing day by day. Surely[想必] Hollywood is not content to lag behind[落在后面].   
  A Really Pleasant Trip
  It is not the first time we see an unlikely hero whomanages to save the day. And the movie’s message –you must always believe in yourself, no matter whatothers say – doesn’t it sound quite familiar?However, even if you know exactly where Kung FuPanda is going, it’s still a mostly entertaining journey.And if it makes one sports-loving overweight kidfeel relieved[不再忧虑的] about following his athletic bliss[福佑], somuch the better.
  好莱坞一向喜欢在电影里加入中国元素,例如《黑客帝国》和《杀死比尔》里引人入胜的打斗场面,又如海登·克里斯坦森在《穿梭者》里用粤语说“ 再会”。《功夫熊猫》的特别之处就在于,电影旨在营造一个万物和谐共处的古代中国,连户外场景都带着漓江流域和桂林景观的浓厚气息。
  但《功夫熊猫》只是整个“中国热”的开始。这个八月, 李连杰将与《木乃伊》系列的第三集一同回归银幕;即将上映的《梅兰芳》和《赤壁》也会让全球观众眼前一亮。随着奥运临近,世界对中国的关注与日俱增,想必好莱坞也不会甘心落于人后。
  然而, 即使你明知《功夫熊猫》的情节会如何进展,这趟电影旅程还是趣味十足。如果它能让一个热爱运动的超重小孩对自己的体育追求不再心存顾虑,那就再好不过了。
The Side Road to appiness —Boosting Mood with a Little Creativity  很喜欢这么一句话:“Happiness is not a destination, but the process itself.”很多人一直在寻找幸福,殊不知自己早已处在幸福之中。好几个月来,Rico的心情随着地震灾区和连月的暴雨而起起伏伏,感觉特别压抑。你是否也
The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants2  ack in 2005, when the original Sisterhoodof the Traveling Pants–about four highschool friends who share a pair of magicaljeans–was released, things looked quite
Going inside American Bom Chinese  1)Adolescence has never been easy. Everybody hasbad memories of growing up. But being a new kid (alsothe only Chinese-American student) at school, beingtoo shy, havi
经过将近一年的拉票,相继击败希拉里、麦凯恩等劲敌之后,奥巴马将在本月20日就职,成为美国第一位黑人总统。在成功当选美国总统的当晚,奥巴马在芝加哥格兰特公园举行了盛大的集会,发表了以“美国的变革”为主题的获胜演说。Grace反复听了整个演讲,每一次都感动无比。特别是在演讲最后,奥巴马通过百岁老人  安·尼克松·库珀的经历串联起美国一个世纪的历史,仿佛是对45年前马丁·路德·金的著名演讲《我有一个梦想
60-Second Science  “60秒科学”是一个电台节目,用一分钟的时间为大家带来新鲜、有趣的科学新闻,听众只需花一分钟便能轻松掌握科技发展新方向。很多人每次外出旅行总会因为适应不了时差而感觉特别累,甚至日夜颠倒。你是否也有类似烦恼?想知道如何快速调整时差吗?本期节目将为你排难解忧。Got a munute?    I had a roommate who couldn’t sleep
150 Years of Puccini    普契尼(1858-1924)被认为是威尔第之后最伟大的意大利歌剧作曲家。但让人意外的是,当时很多音乐评论家对其作品的评价不高。例如在1896年《波希米亚人》首映后,一位意大利评论家写道:“《波希米亚人》在我们的抒情戏剧史上不会留下多少痕迹。”即使在今天,仍然有很多评论家认为普契尼的作品过于伤感,过于甜蜜;他的曲调太明显,最后几幕软弱无力。  然而大众
Forever Friends  You’ve tasted bitter defeat and the sweet success  You want it all and you settle for nothing less  You’ve tried harder than the rest  You’ve become one of the best  This is the time
Ask About Britain  随着经济发展,奥运、世博等世界性盛会陆续进驻,中国日益受到全球关注,中国文化也在世界各地发展出庞大的粉丝群。那么英国人是怎么看待中国文化的呢?让我们听听《英国问答》这个节目,从中找出答案。节目中访问了带不同口音的英国人,感兴趣的同学除了可以模仿主持人的英式发音以外,还可以进行听力训练哦!    Jacqui: Hello and welcome to Ask
CE: Teens曾在2005年8月号上介绍过亚瑟王,这位伟大国王一生的传说几乎都与大魔法师梅林有关,但你是否好奇他们年轻时又有着怎样的故事呢?2008年秋季,BBC给我们带来一个全新版本的魔幻传奇——  梅林来到卡梅洛特投靠母亲的旧识——御医盖乌斯。但这个天生具有强大魔力的年轻人马上发现“魔法”正是尤瑟王的大忌,要在宫里呆下去,他必须伪装成一个普通的下人;更糟糕的是,梅林和好勇斗狠的亚瑟王子打一