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  The Side Road to appiness —Boosting Mood with a Little Creativity
  很喜欢这么一句话:“Happiness is not a destination, but the process itself.”很多人一直在寻找幸福,殊不知自己早已处在幸福之中。好几个月来,Rico的心情随着地震灾区和连月的暴雨而起起伏伏,感觉特别压抑。你是否也想找到某些捷径,让心情明亮起来?虽然下文看似为上班族而作,但快乐的道理是相通的哦!现在就让脑子动起来吧,发挥创意会是很好的找乐方式!
  You may wonder why it’s so important to loosenyour creative1)juices, but diving into innovative pursuitscan be your ticket to a healthier, more joyful life.When a painter paints, for example, he becomes utterly2)immersed in what he is doing. This focused 3)engagementtakes deep involvement where time seems to moveeffortlessly. The fulfillment that provides is at theheart of happiness. Forget money and4)worldly possessions.They’re not even close. Instead, 5)plungingyourself in work, a hobby, or craft will get you to thebliss you’re looking for.
  Go With the Flow
  Psychologist Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi 6)conferred thelabel “flow,” on the mental state in which you are fullyengaged in creativity. In his research on happiness andwell-being, he learned that people can become so absorbedthat they feel they are outside of time. Other researchershave found that the passion of such pursuitscan keep you physically healthy and out of the doctor’soffice.
  Up to the Challenge?
  Psychiatrist Gregory Berns of Emory Universitytakes the idea of engagement even further. He hasfound that experiencing discomfort is necessary toget you to contentment, arguing that satisfaction isto some extent generated by the 7)stress hormonecortisol’s effects on the 8)dopamine system. That’swhy some people 9)derive joy from extremechallenges. Think about the marathon runner who10)slogs through 26 miles of pain and suffering or thecrossword puzzler who gets that same feeling wheneverything falls in place in “Aha!” clarity.
  I’m Not That Creative
  Yet, you wonder, isn’t creativity reserved for thelikes of artists, writers, and inventors? Not so fast. Weall know that kindergarteners are bundles of creativeenergy. But all of us were once in kindergarten, weren’t we? So where does this early innovation go? The truthis: we are all creative, but somewhere along the wayit was beaten out of us. Finding your passion is the key;think about what moves your motor and start small.But whatever you do, start somewhere.
  Creative Thinking in Suits
  Granted, you may not play the 11)cello likeYo-Yo Ma or paint like Picasso, but creative thinkingcan be deployed in any profession. Take sales andmarketing: each new sale requires a differentapproach. “If that doesn’t work, I’ll try this....”Many companies know a good thing when it sees it.Companies like Microsoft and Toyota are using theidea of flow to get the best out of their workers–with employee satisfaction and productivity in mind.
  Got What It Takes?
  To be creative you have to be passionate aboutwhat you are doing. This passion will lead you to amore joyful life. What helps? Creative people donot live by rules, they know how to do their ownthing. These people are also more open to experienceand fantasy; that’s why they are happy to takemore risks. And remember, genius does not require atortured spirit–Van Gogh is not the 12)epitome of thecreative soul.   
  Showing Up
  Some times just showing up is all ittakes. Make a time and place for your pursuit,and your body will slip into the momentas soon as you allow it. If you follow a pattern,it will become somewhat automatic.You might even find yourself 13)pining for your14)easel when that time of day comes. Beyond that,stick with the program; nothing will happen if you quitin the thick of it.
  Work Is Play
  And play is work. Don’t worry about the endproduct, just 15)concentrate on the process. 16)Fussingover finished results will get you nowhere. And don’t17)fret over what other people might think. You’re doingthis for you, not for them. Think about the knitter whopulls apart a sweater just because she wants do it allover ahain. Sounds crazy,but it can be worth it.
  有时候只要行动起来就足够了。给自己的活动制定好时间和地点,一旦开始了,你就会很快沉浸其中。如果形成了规律,它就会成为自然而然的行为。当那一天到来,你甚至会发现自己盼望着那个“画架”。除此之外,要坚持你的计划。如果中途退出, 你就什么也得不到了。

  1) juice [dVu:s] n. 精力,生命力
  2) immersed [I5mE:st] a. 浸入的,沉入的
  3) engagement [In5^eIdVmEnt] n. 约定,投入
  4) worldly [5w\:ldlI] a. 物质世界的
  5) plunge [plQndV] v. 陷入,投入
  6) confer [kEn5f\:] v. 交换意见
  7) stress hormone cortisol 应激激素皮质醇
  8) dopamine [5dEupE7mi:n] n. 多巴胺
  9) derive [dI5raIv] v. 得到
  10) slog [slɒ^] v. 艰难行进
  11) cello [5tFelEJ] n. 大提琴
  12) epitome [I5pItEmI] n. 缩影,典范
  13) pine [paIn] v. 渴望
  14) easel [5i:zl] n. 黑板架,画架
  15) concentrate on 集中精神
  16) fuss [fQs] v. 大惊小怪,使焦虑
  17) fret [fret] v. 折磨,烦躁
如果没有网络,我们的生活将会何等失色。我们通过网络联系朋友、观看影视作品、查找功课资料、获得最新资讯……然而,你是否想过,网络除了给我们提供无限便利以外,还会让人深陷麻烦?以下是三个青少年的真实故事,告诫我们要慎用网络这个工具。    Broken Friendship  I used to have a best friend named Katie. We shared everything,
Don’t Let the Sun Go Down On Me  I can’t light  No more of your darkness  All my pictures  Seem to fade to black and white  I’m growing tired  And time stands still before me  Frozen here on the ladde
(There’s Gotta Be) More to Life  I’ve got it all  But I feel so deprived[贫乏的]  I go up, I come down  And I’m emptier inside  Tell me what is this thing  That I feel like I’m missing  And why can’t I l
Superhero  I worked in a drugstore when I was very small. Workinglong and hard, I treasured my lunch breaks when I could readlots of comic books. Superman, Batman, Spiderman and IronMan were some of m
每个人都有脾气,都有忍不住爆发的时候。你曾经给人气得不行吗?有人说会用一种语言吵架才算学好了这门语言。下面一起来看看怎么样用英文来发狠!当然,小编希望大家权当增长知识,尽量少用——同学之间应该和睦友爱啊^_^    耍狠九句:  1. Just wait and see. I won’t let you get away with that.  咱们走着瞧。我不会让你得逞的。  2. You’ll
She liked to walk, so she walked. From years of walking, the bottoms of her feet had become hard and leathery[似皮革的]. Even so, there were places she could not go – where the stones were too sharp or th
Nature can be unbelievably powerful. A major earthquake can 1)topple huge buildings and bring down entire mountainsides. At Niagara Falls, more than 500,000 gallons of water crash down 18 stories into
马上就要过春节了!在这一年中最寒冷的日子里,人们似乎热衷于各种各样的庆祝活动。比如,在冷飕飕的魁北克,当地每年都要举行全世界最大型的冬季嘉年华。想见识他们不畏寒冷、从生活中寻找乐子的生活态度,你一定要到嘉年华看看!而在相对较暖的罗马,你会发现原来意大利没有圣诞老人!别担心,意大利人自有其独特的节日迎接新年。  林林总总的庆祝活动,不但温暖了人心,也为漫漫寒冬带来热情的活力。一起加入欢乐的海洋吧! 
要拒绝别人,光说No是不够的,还得有充分的理由才行,特别是那些盛情难却的邀请或者动用一堆关系的请求。客气又礼貌地拒绝别人也是一门学问哦。如何婉拒他人才能让其下次还会愿意再来找你呢?让我们一起来看看怎样用英语拒绝别人吧。  1. I am sorry to turn you down.(很抱歉,我不得不拒绝你。)  Turn sb. down就是拒绝别人的要求。譬如有人请你一起去K歌,可是你不喜欢这