Aflatoxin is a molecular mycotoxin that is a highly virulent and carcinogenic substance. China stipulates that the allowable amount of aflatoxin in rice and edible oil should be 10μg / kg, and the other food, beans and fermented foods should be 5μg / kg. Aflatoxin is mainly present in foods, oils and their products contaminated with aflatoxin, and can cause various types of cancer if aflatoxin-containing foods are consumed for a long time [1]. Aflatoxin detection of grain and oil food safety is of great significance. The article described the common methods of aflatoxin detection, such as enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), immunoaffinity column and fluorescence spectrophotometry, immunogold detection method and so on, and compared and analyzed.