一、概述 太阳磁场望远镜是一架具有国际水平的太阳光学观测仪,对我国天文、国防、科技发展均有重大意义。为充分发挥这台仪器的使用效能,对观测点四周大气条件有特定要求,功能要求又很严格。因此非常重视对台址的选择。科研人员经3年之久,通过平原、山地、水域的科学调查及比较,最后选定位于风光旖旎的北京怀柔水库西侧北端面积不到0.2公顷的小岛上(图1~4)。
I. Overview The solar magnetic field telescope is a solar optical observation instrument with international standards, which is of great significance to the development of astronomy, national defense, and science and technology in China. In order to make full use of the effectiveness of this instrument, there are specific requirements for the atmospheric conditions around the observation point, and the functional requirements are very strict. Therefore, we attach great importance to the choice of site. Through scientific investigation and comparison of plains, mountains, and waters for three years, researchers finally selected the small island of less than 0.2 hectare on the northern side of the western side of Huairou Reservoir in Beijing (Figures 1-4).