中国电视已经从“节目时代”、“栏目时代”进入到了“频道时代” ,这已经成为业界与理论界的一种共识。随着中国电视进入多频道时代 ,对于市场的认知逐步成熟 ,中国电视在自觉与不自觉的共同作用下 ,开始了从以节目质量管理为中心向以频道运营管理为中心的理性转变。在频道制
Chinese television has entered the “channel age” from “program age” and “column age”, which has become a consensus between industry and theorists. With the advent of multi-channel television in China and the gradual maturity of the market, China Television has started its rational shift from program quality management to channel operation and management, both consciously and unconsciously. In the channel system