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  The first time I saw a picture by the French artist Henri Matisse, I was just a kid. It was one of his famous Blue Nudes, incredibly simple, just one colour with no detail at all, bit like a 1)primitive cave painting. But something about it fascinated me then, and still does. And since shops like IKEA began selling posters of it, it’s everywhere. In student flats, pizza houses, my local gym, and even my granny’s got one.
  But Matisse didn’t always paint simple, bold pictures like his Blue Nude. He began his career as a really traditional painter. He started with 2)intricately crafted still lifes, then things got much more colourful, then a lot less detailed, and finally he gave up with detail altogether and went with pure shape and colour. In fact, he’s often called “The Master of Colour,” and some even say he created the way our modern world looks.
  This is the small fishing town of Collioure on the Mediterranean coast in France. In fact, it’s so far south, it’s almost in Spain. Just look around. The first thing that really strikes you is the very brilliant quality of the light, and the strong, powerful, very saturated colours. Now these were things that Matisse was always searching for.
  Matisse was 3)staggered by the intensity of what he saw and felt here. And the radical way he chose to capture it on canvas would horrify the art establishment.

  Alistair Wright (Matisse Expert): It’s around this time that he starts quoting an 4)aphorism, which was that a kilogram of green is greener than half a kilogram of green. What Matisse took that to mean is that if you want your colours to seem intense you have to use more of them. You can’t break them up into, into small areas. You have to put on a big slab of red if you want it to really sound as red in the painting. He started to use colours in ways that have ever been done before in the history of Western painting.
  Matisse’s blocks of wild colour barely resembled the real world, and broke every established rule. Over centuries, the craft of painting had been refined. There were conventions of light, shadow, perspective and 5)imperceptible brushwork. But to capture his feelings about Collioure, Matisse decided to ignore all that.

  The Matisse look is much imitated. And all sorts of products that you wouldn’t have thought of are now jumping on the Matisse bandwagon. This is an *Orla Kiely bag, clearly inspired by Matisse. Nowadays, you can buy Matisse 6)acrylic paints, wash your dyed hair with Matisse shampoo, before you put on your Matisse jumper and wrap yourself up in a Matisse scarf. Your dogs can chew on a rubber man called Henri in the shape of 7)Icarus. And your kids can cuddle their*Miffy rabbit. Now I bet you didn’t know this, but if it wasn’t for Matisse, sweet little Miffy here wouldn’t exist. She may not be the artist’s biggest gift to humankind, but, without her, I think the world would be a poorer place.
  So Matisse is still very much in our world. He’s inspired countless painters, as well as fashion designers and interior designers. You can see his influence in commercial logos and kids’ cartoons. Vibrant colour, simple, expressive shapes, less clutter, less detail. More impact, more feeling. Matisse pioneered the look of the modern world.
  Orla Kiely:奥兰·凯利是英国知名的服装品牌,创建于上世纪末,以清新典雅风格风靡时尚界。奥兰·凯利原是英国著名的图案设计师,她设计的壁纸、马克杯都是经典。奥兰·凯利的设计风格是:复古感觉+现代元素+缤纷的颜色,如今,该品牌每年都推出两套独特的印花设计。这个品牌已经从早期只有包包手袋产品线,扩展到今天既有旅行箱、家具、厨房卫浴用品,又有女装、配饰和文具系列。
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趋同进化  不同的物种——甚至在进化上相距甚远的物种,如果生活在条件相同的环境中,有可能产生功能相同或十分相似的形态结构以适应环境。例如哺乳纲的鲸和海豚、爬行类的鱼龙等由于长期生活在水中,因而进化出与鱼类相似的体型;澳大利亚的袋食蚁兽、非洲的土豚、亚洲的穿山甲和南美洲的食蚁兽都具有相似的生活方式和适于捕食白蚁的相似生理结构。此种现象被称为趋同进化(convergent evolution)。  H