职业准备课程是英国三轨制课程中的一轨 ,是英国自 80年代以来课程改革的最大成果 ,它吸收了学术课程和职业课程的优点 ,缩小了学术课程和职业课程之间的差距 ,使学生既能为就业作好充分的准备又能为升学作好充分的准备 ,它为提高英国的教育质量 ,降低日益增高的失业率作出了一
The vocational preparation course is one of the three track courses in the United Kingdom and the biggest result of the curriculum reform in Britain since the 1980s. It absorbs the advantages of academic and vocational courses and narrows the gap between academic courses and vocational courses. Students who are fully prepared for employment and fully prepared for further studies, have made a point of raising the quality of education in the United Kingdom and lowering the rising unemployment rate